A day at the Farm with the Cupcake Royale Creamery team

A day at the Farm with the Cupcake Royale Creamery team

May 17, 2015Nicki Kerbs

What do you miss by living in a city? Farms! That’s right, ice cream comes from real cows producing fresh milk on a farm. The creamery team at Cupcake Royale piled in a chrysler minivan and made our way from Seattle over to Lynden Washington to help tell our story. #cityslickers #cupcakeroyaleroadtrip

So wait you make your own Ice cream? Many people do not know for sure if we make our own ice cream. We get asked where do you buy your ice cream from? Who makes your ice cream? Well, we are here to set the record straight!

We make all of our own ice cream from scratch, in our very own creamery and distribute it- that’s right! We get the freshest dairy in town from our partners Edaleen Dairy in Lynden Washington. When we first thought of the crazy idea of making our own ice cream Edaleen Dairy was 100% in our corner. We worked with Edaleen Dairy to create a blank canvas “base” that allows us to create Seattle’s Best Ice cream, so we share the crown with them! We sweeten the base up, steep it with interesting flavors, add in chunky inclusions, add it to our burnt caramel sauce and toss in our award winning cupcakes!

Our base is FRESH and by fresh we mean: Edaleen milks the cows, mixes our proprietary recipe and ships it off to us in 48 hrs of milking!!! How’s that for FRESH? Whoa!! After 48 hrs we get our hands on it and spin it into tasty frozen treats as fast as we can. You can literally taste the difference in our ice cream using this fresh premium dairy. Did we mention our ice cream, along with all of our other dairy products are rbST free and 100% hormone free?

Ok so we’ve talked Fresh dairy what else goes into Seattle’s best Ice cream? We make all of our own brownies, cookies, brittles, ganaches, marshmallows, sauces, cupcakes and candies that are swirled in to our ice cream. All of it is freshly baked from the Cupcake Royale bakery team. When we say we make our own ice cream, we are not kidding around!

Hope this helps clarify the mystery of Cupcake Royale Brand Ice cream.

We value our partnership so much so, we tour the dairy once a year to learn all we can about dairy products, the farm and visit the cows of course ! http://www.edaleendairy.com

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