In honor of #NationalDonutDay on Friday, June 3rd. Rodeo #Donut will be available in EVERY #CupcakeRoyale AND we’re offering a $20 pre-set dozen for pre-order only. Call a Cupcake Royale nearest you and place your order by Thursday before noon.

#CapitolHill 206-701-9579
#Madrona 206-701-6240
#Ballard 206-701-6238
Downtown 206-443-8674
#WestSeattle 206-701-6266
#QueenAnne 206-286-1447

The Pre-Set Dozen includes:
#Chocolate glazed (2)
Huckleberry (2)
Apple #bourbon fritter (2)
Cinnamon lasso (1)
Cowboy #coffee (1)
Gingered blueberry (2)
Vanilla bean (1)
Honey Blood Orange (1)