Farm Fresh Blackberries

These long, warm days mean blackberries are in full swing! Last week a group of intrepid members of our team headed out of the city to pick blackberries for our latest delicious frozen treat: Blackberry Lemon Verbena Sorbet! Our adventure…

Farm Fresh Blueberries

It’s blueberry season and earlier this week some of us headed out of town to pick the latest delicious produce for our upcoming Farm Fresh installment: Blueberry Balsamic Goat Cheese ice cream! Our excursion took us north of the city…

Sweet Farm Fresh Cherries

It’s the height of cherry season! We took some of our crew out east towards Yakima to visit Roy Farms where we learned about their operations, toured their lush cherry orchards, and got loads of cherries ready to be churned…

Farm Fresh Strawberries

Strawberries are ripe and ready to go, and so our merry band left the city to freshly pick these sweet red berries for our next installment of Farm Fresh ice cream: Strawberry Basil Shortcake! Our jaunt took us north of…

Farm Fresh Rhubarb!

With warm days arriving early this year, there’s a lot of delicious produce to go around. Recently, we traveled to Bainbridge Island to visit Heyday Farm and collect the delicious rhubarb to be featured in the first of our upcoming…