The Cupcake Royale bakery is the business!

Ever wonder what a day in the life of a Cupcake Royale baker might look like? Forget fancy computers, comfy chairs, elevator music, and high heels. Nowhere to be found!
We are surrounded by 50-pound bags of local Shepherd’s grain …
Stumptown and Cupcake Royale

We recently travelled down to Portland, OR, to tour Stumptown headquarters. Stumptown has been our coffee partner since day one, and we are so proud to be Stumptown’s first account in Seattle.
Ten long years ago, we opened in Madrona…
Espresso how we love thee……Let me count your ways

Not only do we have Seattle’s Best Ice cream and Cupcakes, but we also serve up a pretty mean cup of coffee. We offer a full espresso menu featuring Stumptown coffee. We also offer up Smith Tea and Morning Glory…
Cold Brew Coffee on tap!

It is cold brew coffee season again! Cold Brew is that wonderfully delicious iced coffee that is brewed using cold water instead of hot water, a process that takes hours (over twelve!) instead of minutes. This coffee is delightfully smooth…
Is this for real??
Why get a scoop of Seattle’s best Ice cream when you can get a pint? Is this what paradise or heaven looks like? We happen to think so.
If you want this exact same thing pictured below (who doesn’t) go…
This happened today….
This, my friends, is a cupcake sundae. Stop it. 1 cupcake, 1 scoop of ice cream and 2 toppings- oh did we mention you get to choose your flavors.
Coffee + Ice Cream combo’s
Tiramisu + Stumptown coffee