Celebrate Cinco De Mayo with Margarita Cupcakes

Celebrate Cinco De Mayo with Margarita Cupcakes

Apr 30, 2015Nicki Kerbs

Cinco de Mayo—or the fifth of May—commemorate the Mexican army 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War (1861-1867). Surprisingly a relatively minor holiday in Mexico, in the United States Cinco de Mayo has evolved into a celebration of Mexican culture. Hooray for that! Cinco de Mayo traditions include parades, mariachi music performances, CUPCAKES, and street festivals in cities and towns across Mexico and the United States. Wait . . . did you say cupcakes? Well, heck yes we did! What kind of celebration doesn’t include cupcakes? But, wait. Cinco De Mayo just demands a margarita. Why yes, you are right, and that is why we’ve whipped up a margarita cupcake just for the 5th of May!

There are so many different types of margaritas out there. You’ve got the lime, strawberry, blue, cadillac, peach, mint, beer, top shelf, frozen, on the rocks, the Jimmy Buffet, the Presidential, Key West and spicy margarita (to name a few). When concocting our margarita cupcake, we stayed traditional by simply going with fresh lime, salt, sweet and ladened with tequila. We figured the more tequila, the better the celebration.

So there you have it! This beauty will be available in each of our cafes, from May 1st through 5th. Just imagine! You can get your margarita cupcake on all the while listening to La Bamba and drinking real margarita cocktails!


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