Cupcake Royale Pumpkin Challenge!

Cupcake Royale Pumpkin Challenge!

Oct 10, 2017Benjamin Blackketter

The seasons have officially changed and pumpkins are on everyone’s minds. So we thought it would be super fun to throw a good, ol’ fashioned, social media pumpkin carving contest!

If want to be a part of the first ever Cupcake Royale Pumpkin Challenge, here’s how to participate:

  • The theme is CUPCAKE and anyone can enter.
  • Carve, paint, or decorate a cupcake themed pumpkin.
  • Then post a photo of your pumpkin to Instagram using the hashtags #cupcakeroyale and #royalepumpkin2017.
  • Entries must be posted by midnight on Wed., Oct 25th.
  • We will pick our six favorites, then the public will decide the winner with an online vote.

All six favorites will have the opportunity for their pumpkin to be featured in one of our cafes through Halloween.

The winner will also get a FREE Sprinkle Party for six! That’s right, the winner and five friends will get to come to the cafe and decorate cupcakes!

Ooooh, this is so exciting and we can’t wait to see your pumpkins!

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