A day in the life of a Frostitute

Apr 24, 2015Nicki Kerbs

Hand-swirling thousands of cupcakes a day is not an easy job. The day of the frostitute often begins at 4 a.m. for some, and as late as 2 a.m. most nights for others.

Our frostitutes come to work armed with spatulas, gloves, pink mixers and pound after pound of freshly-whipped buttercream. Our frosters have amazingly buff arms from lifting, stirring, and scooping. #bejealous

Often times, Cupcake sandwiches are their breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, or midnight snack, depending on the workload. They work tirelessly to keep up with special orders, mix-ups, answering phones, filling the ever-emptying cupcake case, and of course being “on stage”.

To wrap up their day, they de-buttercreamize the best that they can, jump on their bikes and ride off into the wind. Almost like cupcake ninjas, but more like the super heroes of our company!


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