Gingerbread Stout cupcakes are coming to town

Gingerbread Stout cupcakes are coming to town

Oct 27, 2014Nicki Kerbs

Gingerbread is one of those classics that we all look forward to every year. We see people placing the flavor in their lattes, capturing the scent in candles and of course making those cute gingerbread cookies.

We like to celebrate gingerbread season with gingerbread cupcakes of course! In fact we just pealed and grated one pound of fresh ginger for our first batches. Fresh ginger is the absolute key to making gingerbread. If you have a great recipe that you want even spicier and fresher tasting substitue fresh ginger for dry ginger and you can even add a bit of black pepper. You will notice a HUGE difference!

We use real local butter, black pepper, all spice, powdered ginger, cinnamon, sugar, flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, blackstrap molasses, our favorite stout beer (Hilliard’s Murdered Out Stout), fresh ginger and eggs.

We top this with rich, smooth and creamy cream cheese frosting.

So if you are looking to liven things up this year and bake something interesting we suggest a Stout Gingerbread recipe.




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