Have a hankering for some of Seattle's Best Cupcakes?

Have a hankering for some of Seattle's Best Cupcakes?

Jun 06, 2014Nicki Kerbs

Sometimes it happens and it could be late, your car is broken, you already have your pajamas on, or even worse, you don’t live near a Cupcake Royale. Whatever the case is, do NOT let that stand in your way, because we have the solution. #you’rewelcome

We sell our cupcake mix and buttercream that YOU can make in the comforts of your own home. That’s right, you just add a couple of items, mix, scoop and bake. Before you know it… FRESH, steaming, hot cupcakes ready for you to pile the buttercream on and enjoy.

The mix can live in your pantry and the buttercream (which was featured in O Magazine, by-the-way) can chill in your refrigerator until you need them. If you’re anything like us, it doesn’t last more than a day until we fire up our ovens, bake and enjoy!

Come into any of our stores to purchase both the mix and buttercream or we can ship it to you! That’s right, we will send it right to your front door.



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