Blueberry Brown Betty Cupcake

HASHTAG for a FREE Cupcake of the Month!

Jun 27, 2014Shopify API

So, most of you know about our lovely Facebook coupon that appears the day before we introduce our new Cupcake of the Month…


Coupons are SOOoOoo 1999… Hashtaging is the new coupon! Seriously 🙂

We have a NEW way for you to get a FREE Blueberry Brown Betty (Cupcake of the Month for July) on the 1st, we want you to help us get the word out with a post on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, or even good ole’ Facebook!

Step 1. Snap a photo of yourself, your friend, your pet, your favorite uncle, anyone getting excited about our NEW Cupcake of the Month! Photos of our existing cupcakes and ice cream are encouraged also ♥

Step 2. Post it to the social media platform of choice…

Step 3. Tag us (@CupcakeRoyale)

Step 4. Use #BlueberryBrownBetty with your post and you will appear on our special Tagboard.

Step 5. Come see us on Tuesday July 1st 2014 at Ballard, Capitol Hill, Downtown, Madrona, Queen Anne or West Seattle

Step 6. Purchase a yummy beverage from our talented baristas (equal to $3.65 or more)

Step 7. Show us your post with #BlueberryBrownBetty

Step 8. Nosh on a FREE Blueberry Brown Betty Cupcake!

It’s under 10 steps people… so easy… no excuses not too!

Tell your friends! Use the links below and ENJOY!

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