Help us save those bees by "putting a bee on it"

Help us save those bees by "putting a bee on it"

Aug 29, 2014Nicki Kerbs

We are savin’ bees with one of our long time partners, Glory Bee Foods.

We will be featuring a Peanut Butter “N” Honey cupcake September 1st – 9th. Customers may put a bee on top of any cupcake for an additional fifty cents. All proceeds go directly to the SAVE THE BEE campaign. We are also hosting a Save the Bee essay contest for students, local schools and teachers. Each participant will write an essay on why it is important to save the bees. Cupcake Royale will pick the top two essay winners and present them with a beginner beekeepers kit donated from Glory Bee Foods. Our goal is to educate and raise awareness and funds for the SAVE THE BEE campaign.

Glory Bee is a local distributor of natural wholesome ingredients here in the Pacific Northwest. Glory Bee started in the family garage of Dick and Pat Turanski in 1975 with a dream of providing natural, healthy ingredients for the people of their town. We have been using their incredible products for over 9 years.

Focused on supplying companies with local honey, sweetensaers, spices, dried fruits, nuts, oils, and other quality ingredients for close to 40 years. Glory Bee Foods service natural food manufacturers, bakeries and markets. Chances are you’ve been enjoying their ingredients in a variety of products. You may also have our retail ingredients in your pantry at home.

Each year more than $15 billion worth of crops are pollinated by bees in the United States. Honeybees pollinate more than 100 essential food crops, as well as produce millions of dollars of honey. One out of every three bites of food Americans consume comes from a plant visited by bees or other pollinators.

Recently, honeybees have been dying by the tens of millions. These deaths are caused by colony collapse disorder (CCD), a phenomenon linked to the drastic rise in the number of disappearances of Western honeybee colonies in North America. Although there are many theories as to the cause of CCD, there is still no specific cause identified by researchers.

CCD has wiped out some 10 million-bee hives over the past six years. The death rate for colonies has hit 30% annually in recent years, with nearly one-third the number of honeybee colonies in the U.S. as there were in 1947.

Basically, we need bees for food fewer bees’ leads to lower availability and potentially higher prices of fruit and vegetables. Fewer bees mean no almonds, less coffee and less alfalfa hay available to feed dairy cows.

Glory Bee is donating 1% of all retail select bulk sales from honey, honey sticks and beekeeping directly towards bee research. These incredible people over at Glory Bee are supporting Oregon State Honey Bee Lab with the funds raised by SAVE THE BEE campaign.

So please come on in and “put a bee on it” and donate fifty cents to the cause. Also, encourage your child to participate in composing an essay to win the beginners bee kit.


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