Hunka Hunka Burning Cupcake Love

Hunka Hunka Burning Cupcake Love

Jan 05, 2016Alyson Stoner

As Elvis’ birthday quickly approaches it only seems fitting that we talk about the Velvet Elvis cupcake. Thanks to Elvis’ obsession with peanut butter, banana, and bacon sandwiches our bakers became inspired to turn that sandwich into the Velvet Elvis cupcake.

It all starts with ripe bananas. We get bananas by the case full and watch them until they hit just the right ripeness. The riper the banana the more banana flavor you get in your baked goods. Perfectly ripe bananas get turned into mash and folded in with cupcake batter. The result is a moist, fluffy, and aromatic banana cupcake. This cake is swirled with Peanut Butter Chocolate buttercream frosting with the perfect chocolate to peanut butter ratio to not let the buttercream stick to the rough of your mouth. Top all of this with crispy bacon and a banana chip and you have a cupcake that would bring a tear to Elvis’ eye.

We bring back the Velvet Elvis every year because, just like Elvis, it is a classic fan favorite. This hunka burning cupcake is only available in January so hop on the “Mystery Train” and get some Velvet Elvis cupcakes while you can!

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