Let's get social with ice cream - Thanks for joining us!

May 13, 2015Nicki Kerbs

People ask us all the time, “Why do you give so much?” To us, it’s not even a question of giving something away for free. It is a chance to say thank-you to our customers, who have been with us for over 12 years! Also, we hope to make some new friends and customers along the way. We think of it as bringing JOY, saying THANKS, and creating community. Seriously, we have the best customers in the world, and we welcome any opportunity we get to try our best to say thanks for choosing us. We are in the best neighborhoods in Seattle for a reason! We want to be a meaningful part of this city, and all of the wonderful people!

All of our employees look forward to free scoop day, as well as Thanksgiving when we give our free baby cakes, and special events like 12th-fan cake cutting day! We love to celebrate, and to take time and really give back to a city that makes our little cupcake shop successful.

Monday, May 11th, we scooped over 6,500 scoops of delicious home-made ice cream, and handed out over 628 ice cream sandwiches in just six hours! We had such a great time handing out free ice cream to kick off summer and celebrate all things ice cream! Thanks Seattle for chillin’ with us and taking time out of your day to enjoy our ice cream! We hope to see you all summer long!

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