Online Cupcake Ordering - Now with extra awesome

Online Cupcake Ordering - Now with extra awesome

Oct 20, 2014Nicki Kerbs

So excited to announce we are launching our new ordering website (insert popping of champagne now)! After two years, we are ready to send Cupcake Royale by bike, pink van, plane and of course to enjoy in all six of our locations. Many sleepless nights, glamorous photo shoots, cryptic codes and pretend orders later… we’ve done it! Our customers can now easily create custom orders, plan important parties and have merchandise shipped to distant friends from afar. EmailHeader

We know hosting parties, treating people and being in charge of desert can be overwhelming at times. Well, we’re here to help you! After all, that’s what friends are for, right? Whether it’s a unicorn and rainbow type festivity or a holiday party, we’ve got you covered. Here’s another helpful hint, starting Monday October 27- Tuesday October 28 we will be sending out a super awesome deal via Facebook, our loyal newsletter subscribers and in-store. YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS IT! Ways you can get in on this awesome deal: Become our BFF on Facebook or just simply like us Sign up to get our newsletters, it’s where you can read about all breaking cupcake news Follow our shenanigans on Twitter

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