Oh….Holly Hobbie have a Dance Party Already

May 20, 2014Nicki Kerbs

Are you a cupcake purist no crazy bacon crack cakes for you? Some say a vanilla cake marks the sign of a great bakery. Well, we take that challenge and raise you one.

Our Vanilla cupcake is made with 100% complete unadulterated vanilla LOVE!

  • Real, local, fresh Washington made butter- Check
  • Local (from Eastern Washington) Shepard’s Grain Cake flour- Check
  • Local cage free/hormone free Egg whites- Check
  • Singing Dog double fold Vanilla from Portalnd Oregon- Check
  • Nielson-Massey Madagascar Vanilla Bean paste- Check
  • Organic Cane sugar- Check
  • Local hormone free Sour Cream – Check

This is just the cake………….Our Buttercream was so good it blew Oprah’s socks off……that’s right Ms. Winfery came calling for it. So we sent her pints of our buttercream all the way to New York City WHOA!

If you want to meet up with Holly Hobbie and have a pants off Dance party visit us – NOTHING COMPARES!!


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