Once upon a time not too long ago, a mysterious stranger walked into our Ballard bakery & cafe and handed our fine barista a $100 bill and told us to cover people’s cupcake orders until the money ran out. Wow, we thought, that’s a cool Random Act of Cupcakes!
We at Cupcake Royale have a vision, a vision of a happy planet living together in blissful harmony. It’s a world where strangers, friends, lovers, neighbors, and acquaintances do good things for each other without needing anything in return.
Random Acts of Cupcakes is part of that vision.
Witness somebody doing some good? Hand them a surprise box of cupcakes and leave them smiling and dazed with pleasant curiosity about the goodness of life. Or send them a Cupcake Gram to brighten their day.
What will your Random Act of Cupcake be?
Go forth and be random, we say.