Smoke 'em if you've got 'em!  Smoked S'mores Ice Cream is happening NOW!

Smoke 'em if you've got 'em! Smoked S'mores Ice Cream is happening NOW!

Aug 03, 2014Nicki Kerbs

Yup, it’s camping season and we wanted to capture that feeling you get every time you load your stick up with a marshmallow and toast it to perfection over the campfire. After carefully browning it, you lay it on top of a block of chocolate then smoosh it between two graham crackers. Messy, but one of those desserts that you can muster up enough patience to wait until it’s perfectly toasted, melted and sandwiched.

After months of recipe testing, our genius folks in the creamery nailed it!

Many steps and moving pieces to this scoop of pure goodness that we call Smoked S’mores. Our bakery hand makes trays of marshmallows, our creamery blow torches the marshmallow to “toast” them and then adds them to the ice cream base. To add even more smokiness, we infuse the cream with Lapsang Souchong Chinese Tea and add Smoked Alderwood Sea Salt. We are now ready to churn! As we churn, we break up pieces of graham crackers, and cut housemade milk chocolate ganache into bite size pieces.

When the ice cream comes out of the machine, we toss in our graham cracker crumbs and milk chocolate ganache chunks!

Voila DONE!!! Seriously this is one of our all time favorites; smokey, chunky, toasty and sweet.

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