Strawberry 66 hard at work!

Strawberry 66 hard at work!

Jun 08, 2015Nicki Kerbs

A very special delivery of Skagit Sun strawberries arrived in our bakery a few days ago. It was cases and cases of ripe, red strawberries.

We spent about half the day de-stemming, sorting and cleaning to get them prepped and pureed. Once we puree the berries we have flavorful strawberry buttercream ready for action! The strawberry 66 used to stand for 66% local ingredients, but after re-calculating years later we are way above that mark.

Local Medowsweet butter, Shepherd’s Grain Flour, Local Wilcox eggs, Skagit Sun strawberries, Medosweet sour cream, hormone free local milk and locally produced vanilla extract.

There are a grand total of 12 ingredients in our Strawberry 66 of with 7 of those main players being local, produced right here in Washington State. By weight our recipe calculates this being more than 66% local! We could not be more proud knowing this! Some products like our organic cane sugar and powdered sugar simply are not produced here in Washington along with our non-GMO canola oil.

Local Washington LOVE is packed in every bite! A cupcake we can all get behind.



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