May 03, 2016Benjamin Blackketter

We raise a cupcake to the teachers of Viewlands Elementary school in Greenwood!

Seattle has many schools of all types full of teachers and professionals who are dedicated to the learning and well-being of their students. We reached out to the community to learn about some of these teachers and schools and we have been amazed at the response. Parents, students, administrators, and others wrote in with heartfelt stories about the care, sacrifice, and long hours given by teachers and the difference it makes for so many individual lives. Cupcake Royale wants to help show appreciation for the heroic work our Seattle teachers are doing, so for each day of Teacher Appreciation Week, we are surprising the faculty of a deserving Seattle school with a delivery of free cupcakes! A Random Act of Cupcakes!

And today we surprised Viewlands Elementary in Greenwood! Several people sent in wonderful words about Viewlands:

Hi Cupcake Royale!

Thanks for honoring teachers!

The teachers and staff at Viewlands Elementary are truly special. Their goal is for every teacher, administrator and staff member to know every child. And they mean it. My twins just started kindergarten and have particularly challenging names to remember, yet everyone from all of the kindergarten teachers (Ms. E, Ms. Lozar and Ms Alvarado) to Beverly in the office to Principal Ota to crossing guard Linda, know the girls, call them by name, keep them safe and encourage their learning. Their kindness and care have made transitioning into school easier for the kids and, truth be told, easier for their parents. We love Viewlands!

Hi, i am writing to nominate the teachers and staff at Viewlands Elementary. Our school is in a unique situation as having been open for only 4 years now. My daughter started there soon after they reopened. They have been tasked with bringing life and learning back to the area and are doing it with gusto. My daughter has had amazing teachers. in kindergarten my daughter’s teacher suggested getting her some academic help and worked with us closely to get her the help she needed. Since then our daughter has gone from the lowest reading group to reading above her grade level and is in the second highest math group. She would not have gotten this far without the amazing teachers. This group of teachers has in a short time created a place where kids want to be and have a great time. The principal and all the teachers know every child’s and respective parents names. This has all happened with growing support from the PTSA, it is hard to get a PTSA up and running and it should be mentioned that Viewlands has over 25% of the students getting free or reduced lunch. The teachers and the PTSA make sure that every student feels welcomed and is included in everything. There are lots of need based scholarships and discrete help for students that need it. This year is the 70th Anniversary of Viewlands opening, I can’t think of a better way to celebrate than by recognizing our teachers at Viewlands Elementary. Thanks

Hi Cupcake Royale! We love your cupcakes & ice cream!

I’d love to nominate my daughter’s school, Viewlands Elementary, to be spoiled with cupcakes for Teacher Appreciation week! As a kindergarten mom, we’ve had a great transition into school made possible by her awesome kindergarten teacher Miss E, as well as all of the other staff at the school who promote a friendly, safe, and nurturing environment for all of the kids. With 25 students in her class, her teacher manages all of them with skill and patience. A true feat!

Thanks for considering our school!

Our daughter is a first grader in Viewlands Elementary and we have been thrilled with the school so far. Following are some of the reasons why the teachers and staff deserve cupcakes next week:

* Our PE teacher Coach Grey teaches the kids how to juggle, ride unicycles, walk on globes in his SCATS program.

* Our daughter’s kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Lozar, came by our house for my daughter’s bday party to wish her a happy birthday and give her a present.

* We have such a strong community that our PTSA chair also nannies Coach Grey and Mrs. Lozar’s children.

* Our Art Teacher Mr McElfresh is so fun to listen to that I feel like I’m getting a free art lesson when I volunteer in his class.

* My daughter is excited to be at school everyday.


Hi folks,

Thank you for honoring our public school teachers! I would like to nominate the teachers at Viewlands Elementary for the amazing job they keeping every child safe, empowered, and making sure the kids are all known! Our principal Ms.Ota knows every single child’s name & always says hello to my daughters when we see her outside of school. I have many friends who comment on how unique it is for our principal to invest in getting know every kid.

In addition we have had rewarding experiences with our Kindergarten teacher Ms. Kim. Our kindergarten class of families goes camping together every summer! How’s that for building a strong school community;)

Our second grade teacher Mrs. Rocchi was exemplary! She helped support our daughter through a very emotionally difficult year. My kiddo was experiencing social anxiety, and Mrs. Rocchi & principal Ota took such great care to help my kiddo thrive & deal with her personal challenges. Ms. Ota would literally greet my daughter at the drop off line & walk her to class. I feel blessed to have such a compassionate team of staff & teachers – who are all vested in supporting my wonderful girl.

Our secretary Mrs Beverly, is a remarkable woman and intergral part of our compassionate Viewlands community. She deserves a dozen cupcakes for simply being the strong, kind, and encouraging pillar in our school. The kids respect & honor Mrs Beverly for being a compassionate listener, who respects and empowers our kids to make positive choices in the lunchroom, on the playground, generally throughout the school day.

Lastly our current 3rd grade teacher Mrs. Rocchi is outstanding. She emphasizes the importance of the kids social & emotional development and weighs that equally with their academic development. This wholelistic approach is key to her success as a powerful teacher! As a parent, I highly value this model of powerful whole person teaching!

Thank you for reading my praises of Viewlands staff & Teachers. I hope you consider giving Viewlands elementary some well deserved cupcakes!!


There are so many ways for you to show thanks to the teachers at Viewlands Elementary and other schools! Check out these links for information about how you can make a donation or become a volunteer with Seattle Public Schools.

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