Waffle cone Wednesday is here c'mon in and treat yourself!

Jun 11, 2014Nicki Kerbs

Calling all ice cream enthusiasts! We are proud to feature Masconi waffle mix in our scoop shops. We are the first company to partner with this awesome company and the only in Seattle. Masconi produces ALL NATURAL waffle cone mix from Portland Oregon and is it tasty, fresh and 100% natural (no icky stuff). Since we put all this hard work into making our ice cream fresh, natural and local we needed an epic waffle cone to perch Seattle’s best ice cream onto of.

Here at Cupcake Royale we are making fresh, crisp waffle cones all throughout the day and on Wednesdays we GIVE one away when you purchase a ice cream scoop WHOA!!! REALLY??

We offer Red Velvet and classic waffle cones, we choose the red velvet with red velvet ice cream every time!

C’mon in and strike us while our irons are HOT and don’t be shy to show us your scoops on instagram. #waffleconewednesday








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