Whiskey Maple Bacon is packed with LOCAL goodness!

Whiskey Maple Bacon is packed with LOCAL goodness!

Mar 12, 2015Nicki Kerbs

You can stop drooling now, ’cause this is real, and it could be happening to you. It’s back for its sixth year! We’re thrilled to bring you the original Whiskey Maple Bacon cupcake. Now, there will always be new imposters, but believe us when we shout it from the rooftops: this has been a SEATTLE cult fave for years!

We start with our amazing vanilla cupcake, create some 100% real maple buttercream, add a BIG splash of 2BAR whiskey, and we top it with a sprinkle of delicious, crisp Zoe’s Fresh Applewood Bacon.

This cupcake has saved lives! It has to be the best hangover cure for Capitol Hill. Anyone can stick a corn flake in it and call it breakfast. And… there is more protein in this delightful cupcake than a cliff bar, so there you go.


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