Women's Equality Day

Women's Equality Day

Aug 24, 2018Benjamin Blackketter

On August 26th, we celebrate an important day. Women’s Equality Day commemorates the 19th Amendment, which officially granted women the right to vote in 1920. This was a huge victory for women’s suffrage, though women of color were still disenfranchised and other people groups continued to suffer unjust voting restrictions. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 ended many of these discriminatory practices, though gerrymandering and voter identification laws continue to be serious elections problems. We have come so far but we have much further to go.

Every cupcake you purchase on Sunday is about more than celebrating this historic anniversary, it’s about making a difference in the lives of our next generation of women. 10% of Sunday’s cupcake sales will go to support Powerful Voices, an outstanding local organization that creates brave spaces with girls* of color (* those who identify or socialize as girls) to take charge of their own power as leaders, igniting their abilities to confidently express themselves, build community, and act against injustices affecting their lives. Their middle school and high school programs, along with case management support, are helping these girls* increase their pride in their identity, learn skills to succeed in school and life, and promote social justice. We love that!

Support Powerful Voices with your purchases on Sunday at Cupcake Royale cafes (and online orders placed for pickup or delivery on Sunday), or donate directly at powerfulvoices.org.

Let us not take our right to vote for granted and let us not think that our voice doesn’t matter. Instead, let us be strong in our continued struggle for women’s equality. Support women-owned businesses. Vote in all elections, from the local to the national. And call your congresspeople and let them hear your voice!

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