Yes, we still say things like pinkie promises

Oct 17, 2014Nicki Kerbs

As we was walking the down the halls of Cupcake Royale our Pinkie Promise shines on us like a beacon of light!

While, this is embedded in our day to day work habits, it was great to actually stand there and read it. As the aroma of coffee, buttercream and cupcakes fill the stores it’s important to know it all starts here.

Sustainable ingredients from the farms and gardens of the Pacific Northwest. We search and seek only the best around to highlight on our menu. It is a priority for us to create the tastiest, cleanest and FRESHEST product. There are nine other reason listed below that make this pinkie promise our priority.

  • Locally grown food tastes better.
  • Local produce is better for you.
  • Local food preserves genetic diversity.
  • Local food is GMO-free.
  • Local food supports local farm families.
  • Local food builds community.
  • Local food preserves open space.
  • Local food keeps your taxes in check.
  • Local food supports a clean environment and benefits wildlife.
  • Local food is about the future


Random Acts of Cupcakes or RAOC is about surprising and delighting people with just that, a random act. We are out to bring JOY, give back when we can and always take time to think about spreading goodwill.

Baking & Making the best, it goes without saying we work 24 hours a day baking to provide the freshest product. All 90 employees believe in delivering the best cup o coffee, perfectly baked/swirled cupcake and FRESH tasting ice cream.

We stand for our employees and our community and our society. Yup, we really do.

So there you have it, no fancy mission statement, just a simple Pinkie Promise between friends.

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