Aren’t we lucky? We certainly think so! Seattle is on FIRE with 12th man pride right now- YUSS!! Cupcake Royale wants to celebrate all of this excitement in a BIG way! Grab your friends, family, office mate and/or sweetie. On Friday, January, 30th, we will be slicing into the biggest 12th man cake this fine city has ever seen! This will happen in BOTH our Ballard and Capitol Hill locations at 5:00 p.m. SHARP!
Big Lo, Seattle’s Biggest Sports Fan will be at our Capitol Hill Location to cut the first slice! He’s seriously Seattle’s BIGGEST sports fan. Rumor has it he’s not missed a single game in 28 years- Whoa? Talk about a true, dedicated fan! Not only will Big Lo be there to help us take a slice out of victory, he has invited all of his UBER fan friends. This is going to be so much fun!
Again, this event is open to the public- ANYONE can and should come! Please join us!