Let us eat cake!  Seattle's Biggest 12th man cake!

Let us eat cake! Seattle's Biggest 12th man cake!

Jan 27, 2015Nicki Kerbs

Aren’t we lucky? We certainly think so! Seattle is on FIRE with 12th man pride right now- YUSS!! Cupcake Royale wants to celebrate all of this excitement in a BIG way! Grab your friends, family, office mate and/or sweetie. On Friday, January, 30th, we will be slicing into the biggest 12th man cake this fine city has ever seen! This will happen in BOTH our Ballard and Capitol Hill locations at 5:00 p.m. SHARP!

Big Lo, Seattle’s Biggest Sports Fan will be at our Capitol Hill Location to cut the first slice! He’s seriously Seattle’s BIGGEST sports fan. Rumor has it he’s not missed a single game in 28 years- Whoa? Talk about a true, dedicated fan! Not only will Big Lo be there to help us take a slice out of victory, he has invited all of his UBER fan friends. This is going to be so much fun!

Again, this event is open to the public- ANYONE can and should come! Please join us!


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