
May 13, 2015
It seems to be the talk of the town, so let’s get right to it!...
Delivering SWEET LOVE- In Style!
Feb 07, 2015
A lot of people don’t know we deliver all SEVEN days a week, all around...
Hip, Hip, Hooray for Royale Kids!!
Feb 05, 2015
What could possibly be better than cupcakes? Why, cupcakes and kids, of course! We are...
Cold-Smoking Chocolate with our Pals Young and Young Smoke Co.
Feb 04, 2015
It’s nice to have friends in high places! We are fortunate to know two incredible...
Are you Royale? If so, be on the look out for our Royale ticket!
Jan 27, 2015
Being Royale brings you SO many delightful rewards! Beginning on February 1st, all of our...
Let us eat cake!  Seattle's Biggest 12th man cake!
Jan 27, 2015
Aren’t we lucky? We certainly think so! Seattle is on FIRE with 12th man pride...