Make It A Royale Date Night!

Make It A Royale Date Night!

Jan 21, 2015Nicki Kerbs

Looking for something unique and special to do this Valentine’s day? Got a special crush, kiddo, friend, or neighbor that you want to take out for delicious and memorable treats? Well, we have just the idea! Come join us for Royale Date Night starting Sunday February 9th- 13th in all of our six locations.

We are offering 1 (6oz) Deathcake and 2 (12oz) coffee bar drinks for $13.00.

Deathcake alone is quite a treat, but sharing it with a someone special over hand-crafted coffee is even BETTER! Bring JOY to someone’s day, and create an unforgettable experience at Cupcake Royale. We believe the best way to show someone you care is with an exceptional dessert, great conversation, and time enjoying each other.

We are also tempting Royale daters with a special promotion. When you attend Date Night, and then Instagram, Tweet, or Facebook about your visit and tag @cupcakeroayle, you will receive a cupcake card to come back in for a delicious FREE cupcake!


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