Mr. Wilson……TAKING…..IT…..ALL….THE…..WAY

Mr. Wilson……TAKING…..IT…..ALL….THE…..WAY

Jan 13, 2015Nicki Kerbs

This is what we like to call a SWEET quarterback sneak. No fantasy football here! We are just one game away from repeat Superbowls! Don’t scramble this #BlueFriday or on game day! Stick to the playbook of cupcakes. Snap into formation and order 12th man cupcakes for all your festivities.

Get all your 12th man desserts delivered, or pick them up at any of our cafes or Metropolitan Market.

Hilliard’s Tap Room in Ballard and The Canterbury Ale House on Capitol Hill will also be serving up 12th man cupcakes and baby cakes with their game day festivities.

We are even working up something really exciting with all 21 Pagliacci’s Pizzas in Seattle and the greater Seattle area. Please stay tuned for more on how to get in on this very sweet deal. Regardless, you know that you’re going to want to order pizza from Pagliacci’s because it’s SO GOOD! And what could be better than Pagliacci pizza and delicious 12th man cupcakes? Nothing! Go Hawks.

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