Smoked Chocolate Cupcake, We Adore You!

Smoked Chocolate Cupcake, We Adore You!

Jan 14, 2015Nicki Kerbs

Here’s your “heads-upFOCRS (Friends Of Cupcake Royale)! Mark your calendar. On January 29th, 2015, grab the marshmallows, grab the graham crackers, and come see us for our Smoked Chocolate Cupcake!

We have cold-smoked 165 pounds of chocolate over alder wood and (oh my gosh) you simply must get in on this goodness! We’ve brought camping season to YOU this January. Our chocolate cupcake is piled with smoky chocolate buttercream that is cold-smoked right here in Seattle by Young & Young Smoke Co.

We will have even more blog posts about the cold-smoking coming soon, so please stay tuned! In the mean time, wipe the drool from your chin and stop scratching at the screen #itsnotscratch&sniff. Your taste buds will jump for joy. And another bite! Is it January 29th yet?!


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