Oh, man did we really do this? #Dippers

Oh, man did we really do this? #Dippers

Apr 02, 2015Nicki Kerbs

You know when you were a kid and you went to Dairy Queen and got the ice cream cone dipped in chocolate or butterscotch? We remember it and wanted to some how, someway, incorporate this idea in to a cupcake! So we introduce the Big Dipper.

We make a fresh meringue, pipe it on top of our award winning chocolate cake and dunk it in chocolate. It’s got a little of everything- rich cake, creamy lightly sweetened marshmallow and crisp outer bittersweet chocolate shell.

We try to create joyful experiences here at Cupcake Royale and if this very special treat does not bring you JOY, then we don’t know what will!

Available April 1st- 5th so don’t wait get in and make this happen!


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