Save the Bee this Earth Day!

Save the Bee this Earth Day!

Apr 03, 2015Shopify API

Cupcake Royale has teamed up with GloryBee for the second Save the Bee Contest to win a Bee Keepers Hive/Kit. Starting Friday, April 10 through the end of the month, you can donate to Save the Bee by adding a sugar bee cupcake topper for $.50. Add as many as you want, BEEcause it all goes to help save the fifteen billon dollars in U.S. crops these little powerhouses pollinate!

Want to WIN a Beginners Bee Keeping Kit?


If your community, school, class, after-school program or group would like to enter to win this amazing prize (worth over $200) submit original art by Earth Day (Wednesday April 22nd) at any Cupcake Royale location. Age is Middle School and up. We awarded a K-6 Kit last September, and want to give the ‘big kids’ a chance!

Winner will be selected based on the quality of work and embodiment of art theme.

The Bee Connection

Interpret what this means to you, how you see bees connecting to our food supply/environment. You can paint, draw, collage, sculpt, you name it! It must be appropriate and in theme. Obscene, R-rated, profane, vulgar or violent interpretations will not be a valid entry. Who wants to see anything inappropriate done to a harmless little bee!

Your artwork will not be returned to you, unless noted, BEEcause it will live in the halls of GloryBee World Headquarters in Eugene, Oregon! How cool is that!

Winner will be selected by the team at GloryBee April 23-30th and the WINNER of the Beginners Bee Keeping Kit will be contacted by 5/1/15.

Please share this with friends and family who might want to start bee keeping. GloryBee is a great resource and partner for this endeavor!


Here are the rules again:

  1. Must be in Seattle or able to get to a Cupcake Royale to submit entry and pick up the kit.
  2. Artwork must be quality and embody the theme The Bee Connection – how bees connect to our food supply/environment.
  3. Artwork must have your name, age & contact information (phone/email) and be submitted to a CUPCAKE ROYALE cafe by 4/22/15.
  4. Winner will be selected by GloryBee and contacted by 5/1/15.
  5. The Beginners Bee Keeping Kit will be award by the winner picking up at a CUPCAKE ROYALE cafe.

Any questions? Please email or call 206-905-4407.

ps – the kit will NOT already contain bees. GloryBee will be able to help the winner with information on how to acquire any additional supplies.

FACT: 1 out of 3 bites of food are brought to us by bees.

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