As a Seattle local business, and as part of our ongoing Liberty and Justice for ALL campaign, we are partnering with the GSBA Scholarship Fund in order to donate proceeds and increase awareness about the important work they do. Here are the ways we’re raising support and how you can join in!
- We are donating 10% of the sales of every single one of The GAY cupcakes. This includes cafe sales and online orders placed for pickup or delivery. So order BIG!
- We are donating 10% of the sales of all MAKE AMERICA GAY AGAIN trucker hats and Rainbow Wristbands sold in June. Again, this includes cafe sales and online orders for shipping.
- We have writable banners in our cafes for the community to fill with messages of thanks, love, and support. We’ll be giving these banners to the GSBA as well.
- We also ENCOURAGE direct donations to the GSBA Scholarship Fund.
- On every cupcake box and container, we have information about how to contact congress. You have an opinion about the issues that affect you and others you care about, and YOU HAVE A VOICE — tell your representatives what you think!
The following is a little bit of information about the organization, but to learn more about their work visit the GSBA and the GSBA Scholarship Fund.
About the GSBA
The Greater Seattle Business Association (GSBA) is the largest LGBT and allied business chamber in North America and it is the only chamber that promotes equality and diversity in the workplace. The GSBA advocates on behalf of civil rights and small businesses locally, regionally and statewide. We love the GSBA and Cupcake Royale is a proud member!
About the Scholarship fund
The GSBA Scholarship Fund awards educational scholarships to Washington State LGBTQ and allied students who exhibit leadership potential, demonstrate strong academic abilities, and are actively involved in school and community organizations. GSBA scholars represent a diverse group of students who have dreams of making our community and the world a better place, and each of them possesses the skills, talents, and dedication to make those dreams a reality. GSBA realizes that today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders and is committed to supporting our community’s future leaders by providing financial resources, role-modeling and hope to outstanding LGBTQ and allied students, many who have no traditional means of support. In the 25 years of the GSBA Scholarship Fund, the GSBA has awarded over $2 million to over 300 students!