Teacher Appreciation Week 2017

Teacher Appreciation Week 2017

Apr 27, 2017Benjamin Blackketter

Teachers give so much of themselves to educate us. Give some love back to your teachers and nominate them for a babycake surprise!

Teacher Appreciation Week is May 1-5, and we want you to write in and tell us about your school’s awesome faculty and why they deserve a sweet surprise. If your school is selected, we will take all your love, bake it into cupcakes, and send a shower of babycakes to your school’s team of teachers and admin! So we want to know:

Who is your teacher and what school do they teach at?
What makes your teacher so great?
How does your teacher inspire you?
Why should your teacher get rewarded with cupcakes?

Gush about your Seattle teachers at marketing@cupcakeroyale.com!

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